Together We Move

Erica McLaughlin

Erica McLaughlin
I am passionate about helping voices join together to promote social change. I've been on the forefront of social change so I know the tips and tricks to get there.

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The Best Social Change Mentoring Services For College Students

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 27, 2016 12:59:59 AM / by Erica McLaughlin

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Why WeRyse Provides The Best Social Change Mentoring Services for College Students



Having just gone through the process of spreading awareness and working toward social change I know the stress and rewards associated with it. Being at the forefront of change is not easy. It requires determination and passion. I found that having a supportsystem was essential to my movements success.  If you know that working with a mentor is the best choice for you and your social movement check outthis list of services I can provide with WeRyse, to help take your movement to the next level.

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The Benefits of Working with WeRyse and Not a Faculty Mentor

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 24, 2016 11:03:54 PM / by Erica McLaughlin

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Benefits of Working with WeRyse


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How Mentorship Helped Three Miles Lost Spread Their Message

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 24, 2016 10:37:31 PM / by Erica McLaughlin

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How to Find a Mentor That Shares My Passions

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 24, 2016 10:11:32 PM / by Erica McLaughlin

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How to Find a Mentor That Shares My Passions for Social Change


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How A Mentor's Support Can Take My Movement to the Next Level

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 24, 2016 9:23:34 PM / by Erica McLaughlin

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How a Mentor For Change's Support Is Effective 

Social change and taking a stance can be both rewarding and terrifying. When taking a stance, those at the forefront of the movement care deeply about it and feel they are under a great deal of pressure to do the movement justice. Also taking a stance can be extremely polarizing, especially in the world of modern technology which amplifies all voices and opinions. This technology is a double edge sword, because while it invites greater perspective to the discussion it also allows more people to make harmful comments without repercussion. Many find that working with a mentor can be a huge asset and key to their success in implementing a social movement on their campus and beyond.
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College Campus Unites In Solidarity Against Sexual Assault

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 20, 2016 12:17:51 AM / by Erica McLaughlin

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Hobart and William Smith College Campus Unites in Solidarity Against Sexual Assault

Music Unites Campus In Solidarity:

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5 Effective Ways College Students are Speaking Out for Social Change

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 18, 2016 1:12:41 AM / by Erica McLaughlin

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5 Effective Ways College Students Are Speaking Out for Social Change

Speaking Out for Social Change

The sad reality is that inequalities and injustices continue to saturate our society. It is nearly impossible to turn on the TV or log onto social media without seeing a new story about racial inequalities, sexual assault, harassment, abuse and much more. While living in a world like this can be very discouraging, the motivated people that speak out for social change give me hope for a better world.

College and University students at the forefront of change provide me with the greatest sense of hope. They are the future of this nation and they are calling for action to eradicate these inequalities and injustices. 2016 is an extremely important year for these student activists to take action, because of our current Presidential election. Social issues are on the forefront of this election and as a result, many more people’s minds. Here is a list of 5 effective ways college students are speaking out for social change this election year.

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How Can I Motivate My College Campus to the Forefront of Social Change

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 14, 2016 12:18:54 AM / by Erica McLaughlin

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Motivating a College Campus to the Forefront of Social Change 

Every Tsunami begins with a small wave. One wave or one idea is all you need to make a momumental impact. Well if you are wondering how your one idea can become so much more and can influence others to make a positive change then good for you, because you've already begun.

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